Clean lines and bright lights
Fifty shades of gray streets
Eight million people
Eight million strangers
Eight million agendas
Fleeting cabs and connections
Souls lost and found among it all
-me. 12.08.14
Have you ever heard the song "New York City is Killing Me" by Ray LaMontagne? First, I love Ray. Everything about him. His look, his voice, his lyrics, his soul. You feel every word he sings. That is an artist. Anyways, I love that song because I feel that song 95% of the time I am here in the city.
I get so tired of all this concrete.
I get so tired of all this noise.Gotta get back up in the country,
And have a couple drinks with the good ole' boys.
I just got to get me somewhere,
Somewhere that I can be free,
Get me out of New York City, son,
New York City's killin' me.
I have this very passionate love/hate relationship with this city. I moved here for the love of two things, theatre and a guy. They both are still very prominent in my life now six years after being here, one more than the other. But that is for another day.
There are days when I could so easily pack up and leave, when I feel like there is nothing but cold concrete hearts filling this ugly city. Then I find a spark, a small fleeting light that catches my eye. Like the sun hit the city just right and I am a cat chasing the reflection across the.. I want to say city again but that won't work. The word block won't work either because it's bigger than that. Borough just doesn't sound right either. I will come back to that failed metaphor later.
Anyway, there is that moment that happens maybe once a month, more now than it ever did before. It probably didn't happen for a few years and I guess that was when I was so engulfed in other parts of my life that when I re-awoke, I found most of my creative being had died. But then that moment happened. A soul-awakening magical and inspiring moment that somehow made my anger towards the city easier to swallow and instead use it towards something productive. It happens on the train, I'll read a word or hear a song, or see something happen and lines will pop in my head and I will jot endless words down somewhere, anywhere. Or it will be that blood rushing feeling I get after a performance when I could totally rule the whole fucking world.
And then I leave the city for a bit, to get air. It is truly amazing how good fresh air tastes from the ocean or the mountains. And while I gulp all that in I think, I need to be here not there, there not here, anywhere but no where. What the hell am I doing with my life? What would I do next?
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